Illustrative Professional Experience (Cont'd)​
Statute review and analysis related to the Master Settlement Agreement between the major tobacco companies and 46 attorneys general.​
Representing a cosmetics company and a novelty products inventor in federal patent litigation matters.
Representing a cartoon artist in a federal copyright litigation.
Defending an Italian corporation in a California state court trademark litigation.
Defending a popular Mexican musician in a USPTO - TTAB trademark cancellation proceeding.
Working on e-discovery and trial preparation regarding Microsoft Corporation in its defense against claims brought by Sun Microsystems, Inc. as follow-on litigation to the US Department of Justice's antitrust action against Microsoft, and its defense against an antitrust action brought by the State of Iowa.
Pro Bono - Ms. Wells has a strong commitment to pro bono work, which has included helping a minor obtain special education services from a local school district; working on election law matters challenging voter identification laws in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin; and working with a team on an academic amicus curiae before the Ninth Circuit in supporting an order to provide bond hearings to a class of detained immigrants subject to prolonged immigration detention.